Found helpful: The format of watching a video and then going out to practice with my horses and then coming back to the follow up video. The video was more helpful than the reading for my learning style because it showed both horses and people in action. The instruction sheets to take to the barn were also very helpful and easier than bringing the whole book along.

Experiences: I have 3 horses and found them to respond to the techniques in very different ways. My gelding had a lot of trouble with my hand on his nose for the lateral cervical flexion work. It gave me good practice in staying soft, keeping my hand on him but not bracing. He was very relaxed with the head down and head up. My pony was stoic – not wanting to show any release. I could feel ripples of energy along her neck while doing the bladder meridian but she couldn’t allow herself to show release. She did some licking and chewing when I moved far away. My mare could hardly stop yawning doing lateral cervical flexion and head up. She released lots of tension in all the techniques around her poll. I need to spend more time on the hind end releases – hard for me to see the head and eyes while working on the hind end and feet.
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Laurie BryanHome Study

MY PASSION IS HELPING HORSES and to that extend the home study course of the Masterson Method has been great. I bough the e-book from Amazon earlier (instant gratification) and got taken by the therapies. I am already an Equine Therapist with many different modalities, but your method is now on the top of my list and I try to do it on any horse I can get my hands on, which could be many as I have my 2 Hannoverian horses at a military facility in Ecuador.

I like the logical progression of the work and the videos with Jim are great to see over and over again and I like Jim’s easy going way of being and his sense of humor. A friend just told me that the book will also be translated into German. Great.

I am very much in the practicing stage of doing these techniques right now, but what I have done so far has shown very good results. It is interesting how one really gets to realize how horses are different on so many levels, physically and emotionally. I am doing a “Straightness Training” from Marijke de Jong from Holland right now and the Masterson Method helps that along SO WELL.

So I thank Jim for his dedication to horses and his deep inner ability to notice things and come up with a way for the rest of us to take advantage of this and implement.

I would recommend this course to anyone who loves horses.
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Kirsten PristedHome Study

What I found most helpful: The videos

What I Experienced: The first time I did the bladder meridian technique on my 30 yr old mare with EPM half way down the neck she started yawning and licking and by the time I got to her withers she was half asleep head hung low. After you could tell she felt wonderful.

Elisabeth BeyerHome Study

What I found most helpful: Having the refresher on the techniques was definitely helpful. Most helpful are the videos – especially with horses that are trickier.

What I Experienced: Lots of great experiences. I worked on many horses that have significant poll and neck issues and resist touch. I really like the use of “air gap” as a way to break through some of these issues. The lateral rocking so nice for many horses that are otherwise pretty braced. Withers wiggle great for horses with sore feet I observed. The Head up probably the most tricky for me as so many of the horses had trouble trusting this.

My “ahha” moments: The most “ahha” moment I had had to do with the lateral flexion technique. The concept of softening when they start to brace takes good timing. Once I got that right it was super cool to see how well the technique worked.

I would Recommend this course because: Anyone with a horse should take this course. You will notice things about your horse you never did before and the horse will love being able to have an open dialogue with you. Definitely improves your horse/human relationship and your horse will thank you for the physical benefits as well.
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Mary Ann MenetreyHome Study

What I found most helpful: Watching the videos again and again.

Improvements: The video could be a little larger and closer to Jim so that we can really see his hands and the movement of the horse.

What I Experienced: Even after watching the lateral rocking I find it difficult to grasp the rhythm needed.

My “ahha” moments: The lateral cervical flexion became clearer to me. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what it was that made me feel like “now I get it” but watching Jim do it really opened my eyes to how subtle this is.

I would Recommend this course because: Great introduction to the Masterson Method! Once you’ve watched this you will want to know more and be there live to get feedback on your technique. The horses show the direct effect of the Masterson in real time. Thank you Jim for clear explanations.
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Corinne PowleyHome Study

What I found most helpful: I like that the workbook is a great summary and easy to take to the barn.

What I Experienced: The amount of visual relaxation was very encouraging. Working on my own horses has helped me build confidence in using the techniques without wondering how a strange horse, with unknown pain or restrictions, might react.

My “ahha” moments: When I worked on horses in the 5-day course, it seemed to take longer for them to relax a hip. With my own horses, it came sooner. I interpreted that to be due to the horse’s trust in the person, from previous handling. I expect as one works on new horses, over time, they come to trust and relax sooner, making the sessions even more productive.

I would Recommend this course because: I would say that it is a valuable tool that is easy enough to learn to help your horses release tension and increase or maintain their overall comfort.
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Nancy BeirlHome Study

Good morning, my name is Joanne Rodney, I live in Winchester, Ontario, Canada. I can not thank you enough for the absolute privilege of partaking in your online course that was generously offered to me!!!

I learned so many more new things from the course! I am an even bigger fan now then I was previous! Everyone in my life is well educated in The Masterson Method thanks to my non stop chatter and enthusiasm!

I just wanted to write to you to reiterate how wonderful your Method is and how inspiring you have been to me to keep trying and pushing on to try to get enough funds gathered to begin my certification process!

You and your method are truly a gift that should be shared around the world to all horses and the people that care for them.

Thank you once again for the most amazing experience!!
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Joanne RodneyHome Study

I just received the September newsletter, and thought I would drop a note about my success story. I attended a 3 day Masterson course several years ago, and have enjoyed seeing how much the method has helped my horses feel better and move better.

I ride dressage, and have always dreamed of having a dressage schoolmaster. This spring, I had the opportunity to buy an 18 year old Dutch Warmblood. He had shown successfully, and then moved into a school horse role. He had gotten somewhat sour, and the owner was looking for a home where he would not work as hard, but could still teach a rider new skills.

When I brought him home, he was very sore all over his body. He snapped or kicked whenever he was touched. Saddling him was a huge production, requiring two people as he flailed around and kicked and snapped. The muscles in his back were hard, and seemed to be in spasm. He was very swaybacked.

He was not a happy camper.

I started doing some basic Masterson on him. Although it was hard for him to accept, I could see him relax and feel better. I watched the Masterson for Dressage video, and discovered that he was sore in exactly the areas predicted, and so I added those in addition to the basic overall work. I used a Back on Track blanket and saddle pad on him, to help his muscles relax.

He was also turned out 24/7. He had been turned out overnight previously, but now he was in a bigger pasture, with more horses, and moved around more on more varied terrain.

The results have been remarkable. In 4 months, all of his muscles have relaxed. He is no longer sore, and has stopped kicking and snapping. He enjoys being touched and being worked on. We are forming a partnership.

I have learned a lot from him already, and look forward to furthering my education. I don’t think any of this would have happened without the Masterson Method.

Thank you!
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Karen HavisBooks and DVDs

Jim worked for me in Malaysia on the US Endurance team. His results are amazing!

Becky HartBooks and DVDs

I’ve done bodywork for 30+ years now and 9 years on the best racehorses in the world. I can’t recommend any other style more than Jim’s method for horses. I am very eclectic and use a lot of machines and instrument assisted adjusting in addition, but if I was only going to pick one thing to use on a horse it would be Jim’s method hands down. Results and responsible business practices with a caring and compassionate attitude is what gets referrals. Don’t waste your time with anything else, unless it’s to add some more tools to your tool kit after you’ve got the Masterson Method down.
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Geoffrey PfeiferBooks and DVDs