I’d just noticed my mare galloping towards me in the pasture with her right leg carried towards the center of her midline instead of under her shoulder. When I walked her on the paved driveway, I could hear a hard clink coming from one hoof. I assumed it was her left, which she’d been intermittently limping on since recovering from a coffin bone rotation she had when I’d bought her 2 years ago. Although now sound, it would still seem off when she’s go step into depressions in the ground. So I rode her in Easy Boots for the past few months.

My natural trimmer was due in a few days and he did a complete assessment, telling me it was her right hoof that was causing the dragging not the left as I’d assumed. After a complete test he determined she could not be fitted for shoes because her muscle memory was so strong she tipped over like the Tower of Pisa when her front hooves were shimmed. He also was unable to unlock her muscles with his methods of stretching. That day I learned about old injuries, perception, muscle memory. During the time of her hoof injury she had shifted her right leg under her midline to bear the weight of her perceived hoof pain. Her brain still presumed that pain was there, the leg was locked even though it was no longer needed. My trimmer explained how the muscles, nerves , and even teeth in the equine skull determines not only how the front end moves but also all the way through the back muscles. A real first step on my path to healing my mare.

I went to the internet and your YouTube videos and website was the only ones that made sense to me. Although I ordered a couple of other books that helped explain the meridians, the actual work was way beyond my physical capacity at my age (I’m being 65 this year). What you were doing seemed possible for me so I ordered the book and the DVD. I started with only the bladder meridian and watched the reactions. When I actually got some I was very surprised. Also that when it was noisy around the barn or someone would stop to watch she would shut down. When they’d leave, she’d open up again. Confident she was listening and responding I added to the front shoulder releases, then some small rotations, finally the scapula release and she kicked her ‘lovin’ it’ into high gear. She hates having her nose touched so I’m still working on the neck vertibrae but I can push now while she in turning her head towards me on her own. When finished, she is shaking like a wet dog, yawning, licking and stomping! I have a very expressive horse.

Best part of the story…I’m riding her without her boots and I find no sign of her wooden limp – she’s moving free for the first time since I bought her. Thank you – I’ve recommended you to my friends and one of them is starting your work on her horse that is showing signs of trouble in its rear hoof. I’m so grateful to you for giving us these tools.
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Charli StevensBooks and DVDs

I had purchased your DVD. We have to harness racing horses as well as riding ponies/horses. Since watching the DVD over and over we have started therapy with all of our horses and have had some pretty awesome results. My 13 year old son insists his riding horse has a massage from mum every time he rides her – and she is so much more relaxed and respondent from doing so. Thank you so much for such an informative tool in our stables. We are destined for many wins in 2009. Thanks again.
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The Duffy FamilyBooks and DVDs

I would thoroughly recommend owning one of these DVDs as an essential part of any sport or performance horse owner’s tool kit. Even if you only practice several of the techniques pre-ride daily, the ongoing benefits to your horse will be measurable.

Janice ClymaBooks and DVDs

In just one viewing of your DVD! I was able to apply your very clear techniques with amazing effect. This is a Godsend to me to be able to release tension surprisingly easily and on an as-needed basis. Already I was observing better articulation, improved energy and demeanor. This is a ‘must have’ for any horse trainer, owner or rehabilitator.

I will now start reading your very interesting book and take my riding prep routine…beyond horse massage. Thank you so much!
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Margaret KunzBooks and DVDs

Just yesterday, I was at a horse rescue and was working on an older horse who is used to help reach troubled foster children but who has started to pin his ears when saddled. I used what I learned from Jim’s DVD and got some incredible releases when I worked on his back – he actually stretched his front legs out and did a sort of bow, all the way down till his chest touched the ground. He did that twice, then shook his neck a few times and snorted. Talk about positive reactions! Thanks again for your time and consideration.
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Pam PattersonBooks and DVDs

I wanted to compliment you on my recent sales transaction. I loved the checkout, fast reply for my purchase and email of my paid invoice. Then to get the DVD with the thank you note and brochure topped that off, but I LOVE THE DVD – great job

Cindy ChaseBooks and DVDs

I would like to point out that although you primarily work with sport horses, your program works equally well for horses that are pets and trail horses. I have a Paso that used to be quite a spook. When I started doing the Masterson Method with him it made a tremendous difference in his attitude and relaxation. He has gotten to be quite the excellent trail horse and I credit the massage techniques, in part, with my ability to turn him into the wonderful horse he is now. Before I teach him something new, I make sure he is stretched and relaxed, then he can learn better. He loves it when we have spa day.

Thank you. I hope that others will try your methods and realize that they are not just for elite horses but that all horses can benefit.
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Susan NewtonBooks and DVDs

Thank you, Jim, for such a wonderful experience at the seminar this past weekend at Stanford. Even though I got frustrated with myself many times in trying to apply what I understood from watching your demonstration, I learned so much more than what I saw on the DVD.

The DVD is absolutely wonderful, but one cannot really “get it” until one gets hands-on instruction. I am so eager to learn more…and to record your one-liners. ha ha.

Thank you again… I love this kind of work…it’s the most exciting, soulful, gentle massage work I have ever come across. Exceedingly grateful.
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Sharon AndersenBooks and DVDs

I only got your book a few days ago and started to work on one of my horses, Cushings and IR, 16 y old, with lots of tension all over his body. I can’t even count the many different people who have worked on him to no major avail. It was absolutely amazing how this horse released over and over, and how much better he used his front legs after only this one session.

Another large gelding, 9 y old, always had trouble going downhill, it was very uncomfortable for him, not a good thing when you live in Vermont. Again, he had many professionals working on him and he did get somewhat better but never normal.
I did not have much time, so I just realized where I knew he had problems, and he went downhill 90% improved.

Today again I spent about 20 minutes with him, then took him on 2 hour long ride with lots of hills, he felt totally normal. His muscles in the troubled areas are still sore to touch, but he now has the freedom to use them properly. I still have to pinch myself that this is really true. I have 5 horses, so I will get to work on the others. Will let you know if I encounter further amazing changes.

Thank you so much for making your method available.
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Heike BeanBooks and DVDs

I learned a great deal and was able to apply the techniques you taught right away. One of my stallions has been showing irritation and discomfort in his poll and TMJ, and he is already much softer and more relaxed after using your techniques. My trainer who specializes in developing correct movement watched on my laptop in the barn, and I had to turn it off together in the arena with the horse as she was so enthralled!
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Rachel SalandaBooks and DVDs