What I found most helpful: My wife, Chantal Holder (Nee Labuschagne) trained under Jim at Red Barn Stanford and then went on to assist Jim on a course in Ireland. Chantal has showed my the method and I have used this for some time so the course really gave me so much more information and I found the whole course to be extremely helpful and worthwhile.

What I Experienced: When putting into practice what I have learned from each section, I found that I was getting better and more releases than before
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Rob HolderHome Study

What I found most helpful: Being able to see the techniques live with the practical explanation. What I Experienced: Excellent, the horses all released and gained benefit

Alan DawberHome Study

What I found most helpful: Repetition is how I learn and I appreciate being exposed to the same material more than once in different ways. Makes me curious to know who designed all of the Masterson Method teaching materials. It appears to have some science behind it.

What I Experienced: I’m continually amazed at the variety of responses a horse will express. My “latest, greatest” was with a quarter horse gelding who’s lately become stiffer in the front end and the stiffness was starting to show up in the hind end. After doing the bladder meridian and hind end points, and he just showing me some fidgets and an occasional single lick, I stepped back about 15 ft. from him with the owner. After about a minute he brought his front legs back toward his hind legs, squared up with the legs about half the front-to-back distance he’d normally stand with, extended his neck and stretched his nose to the sky until his neck was extended slightly PAST vertical, held the position for a good 10 seconds, let out a huge sigh/grunt, came back to a normal stance with head down, licking some. The owner had never seen the horse do this before. And, oh yeah, he’s performing well now.
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Lee LofgrenHome Study

What I found most helpful: The videos associated with each technique. Reading can only take you so far seeing it applied definitely ties it all together.

What I Experienced: The releases I see are just like the ones I am told to look for! Also I like how it is explained what to do when horses give you difficulties.

Ashley McFarlinHome Study

What I found most helpful: That I can return to each segment and refresh each set of techniques.

What I Experienced: Each horse responds to the same technique differently.

Catherine Anne FrendHome Study

What I found most helpful: The different types of pressure have been most helpful for me as I have used most of these techniques before. I love listening to the horses and looking and listening for their reactions to the procedures.

What I Experienced: The experiences I had were all good my horses love it. I have one head shy mare that I have to take more time with on the poll but once she relaxes and I stay calm she does wonderful
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Bonnie McDanielHome Study

What I found most helpful: I found all the lessons extremely helpful…..Depending on the horse….you can start or go to another area on the horse if needed.

What I Experienced: One of my horses that I know for a fact suffers from a lot of tension appears to be more relaxed and less reactive as a whole.

Mary SkybergHome Study

Found helpful: Being able to refresh my knowledge (and practice) of the basic techniques, after taking the 2-day workshop and prior to taking the 5-day workshop.

Experiences: I’ve been practicing the techniques since I took the 2-day workshop in Oct. 2014 and every horse I’ve practiced on has taught me something new. I am intrigued with the various types of behaviors I see prior to major releases, ranging from the stoic to the full fledged exhibitionist!
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Pamela EckelbargerHome Study

Found helpful: Hearing the lesson. I don’t learn well from books, so watching and listening to this course was a huge improvement for me. I got to hear him answer questions I had rolling around in my head. Very good.

Experiences: That what happens in real life is exactly as he said it would be!! That not ever move I did on a horse was “wow”, but some were. So was good to learn that some things the horse needs work on more than others.
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Kelly JeffersonHome Study

Found helpful: The format of watching a video and then going out to practice with my horses and then coming back to the follow up video. The video was more helpful than the reading for my learning style because it showed both horses and people in action. The instruction sheets to take to the barn were also very helpful and easier than bringing the whole book along.

Experiences: I have 3 horses and found them to respond to the techniques in very different ways. My gelding had a lot of trouble with my hand on his nose for the lateral cervical flexion work. It gave me good practice in staying soft, keeping my hand on him but not bracing. He was very relaxed with the head down and head up. My pony was stoic – not wanting to show any release. I could feel ripples of energy along her neck while doing the bladder meridian but she couldn’t allow herself to show release. She did some licking and chewing when I moved far away. My mare could hardly stop yawning doing lateral cervical flexion and head up. She released lots of tension in all the techniques around her poll. I need to spend more time on the hind end releases – hard for me to see the head and eyes while working on the hind end and feet.
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Laurie BryanHome Study