What We Offer

Equine Bodywork Courses for every horse owner!

The Masterson Method® Integrated Equine Bodywork, developed by Jim Masterson, has changed horse and human relationships around the globe. By using Masterson Method techniques and tuning into their subtle responses, horses are able to release deep-seated tension within the body. Join us for in-person courses to receive hands-on-hands instruction in The Masterson Method. You will learn how to partner with your horse in the process of releasing tension, instead of working on your horse. Feel more confident in applying these techniques to improve your horse’s mobility, performance and deepen your connection.

Choose Your Equine Course

Begin your journey at home with the Beyond Horse Massage book and/or Beyond Horse Massage video—our most comprehensive and instructive resources. Then, join one or more of our hands-on courses, where guided instruction will help you develop the FEEL for this interactive approach to equine bodywork!

Choose One or More

Zandbergen, Belgium: Nov 30-Dec 1, 2019 with Lucie Klaassen

The Foundational Course

This course provides hands-on instruction and practice in the techniques taught in the Beyond Horse Massage book and video. Learn how to effectively locate and release accumulated tension in key areas of the body that significantly impact performance, while at the same time deepening communication and relationship with your horse.

air gap jim

Mastering the Power of Light Touch

This course focuses on gentle and deliberate techniques that address the intricate interconnections within the horse’s body, allowing the horse’s nervous system to relax and respond naturally. Precision and mindfulness in touch are emphasized. By focusing on subtlety and detail, these techniques create profound shifts in the horse’s physical and emotional state. Suitable for all levels of experience. 

Photo of woman touching horse and watching for a response in the face

For Equine-Assisted Services Programs

Do you work or volunteer in an equine-assisted services (EAS) program, such as learning, coaching, or therapy programs? In this course, you’ll learn how to help the horses serving in these programs while also facilitating meaningful learning experiences where participants can give back to the horse—a true win/win! Fieldwork opportunities are also available for students.

Advance Your Skills and Knowledge in The Masterson Method

If you’re interested in improving, refining and solidifying your skills and knowledge in The Masterson Method, here’s your pathway.

This pathway provides further instruction and guided practice in Advanced Masterson Method Techniques, allowing the student to advance to their desired level of skill and expertise.  Step 4 certifies that the student has demonstrated proficiency in Advanced Masterson Method Techniques.

Zandbergen, Belgium: Nov 30-Dec 1, 2019 with Lucie Klaassen

Step 1

This foundational course provides hands-on instruction and practice in the techniques taught in the Beyond Horse Massage book and video. Learn how to effectively locate and release accumulated tension in key areas of the body that significantly impact performance, while at the same time deepening communication and relationship with your horse.

Sandy Watsonville

Step 2

This next course is open to anyone with horse experience who has attended the Weekend Course, and who has a desire to deepen their skills in The Masterson Method. You’ll learn advanced techniques that will help your horse to release hidden levels of stress that may be affecting movement in the three key junctions of the body – and everything in between. 


Step 3

Take the next step toward perfecting timing, flow and feel through personalized one-on-one, coaching and mentorship and hands-on casework with your horses or others in your area.


Step 4

Certification shows that you have attained a certain level of proficiency in Masterson Method skills and knowledge, and in your ability to truly make a difference in the horse. At the Certification Course you will demonstrate proficiency to this level and learn additional advanced certification techniques.  Completion  of this course also opens the door to further continuing education that will solidify your skill and knowledge in The Masterson Method.

More Ways to Learn

In addition to the course offerings above, you might seek out Jim Masterson with another clinician at a collaborative clinic, find a local demonstration near you, enroll in the Beyond Horse Massage Home Study Course, or watch and learn from Jim as he works on and discusses a variety of horses. You might also visit the Store for books, videos, and more!

Mark and Jim-bodywork-training

What is better than taking your horse to see one amazing equine clinician? Taking your horse to see TWO!  Join Jim Masterson with another equine expert at a combined clinic. Get insight into your horse’s movement, behavior and performance issues from a bodywork/biomechanics and training perspective.

Jim Masterson at a demo

Join us at an expo or demo to see practical Masterson Method techniques that you can bring home and use on your horses. Find a horse or dog expo to come meet Jim and watch demonstrations of Masterson Method techniques. Check your local area for a Masterson Method demonstration by one of our Certified Practitioners.

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Can’t wait to get to a course? Enroll in this self-guided, online, home study course. You’ll receive guided study and structured practice of the techniques taught during the Beyond Horse Massage Weekend Course. ** Graduates of the Advanced 5-Day Course are eligible to enroll in the Advanced Home Study Course.

Photo of Jim Masterson

How does Jim approach different horses and the variety of issues that they have? In this Library of Hands Online Bodywork Session Reviews you can see first-hand how Jim works to make an improvement in each horse, answers questions in recorded videos, and highlights the subtle nuances of this bodywork.

Host a Masterson Method Course

Photo of Jim and students after a course.Hosting a Masterson Method Course at your facility is one of the most rewarding experiences you can share with friends, colleagues, and horse lovers from any discipline.

Horses participating during the clinic always appreciate a weekend of Masterson Method® bodywork!

Learn more about the benefits and requirements of hosting the Beyond Horse Massage Weekend Course, the Light to the Core Course, and/or the Equine Specialist Course (for equine-assisted services programs only).

Note About Our Trademark

Only those who have demonstrated proficiency and completed the Masterson Method Certification Program may use The Masterson Method® name and logo. Use of The Masterson Method name and logo by others to promote any professional services is an infringement on trademark rights. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.