Masterson Method Equine Specialist Course


How The Masterson Method Can Help Equine-assisted Services Programs

Many equine-assisted services or EAS programs are discovering the value of listening to their horses and keeping equine welfare a top priority. The Masterson Method Equine Specialist certification can help deepen your commitment to equine welfare while also providing a new activity for your program participants (and/or volunteers) that can help improve their connection with the horse, self-awareness, self-empowerment, and more.

In addition to the relaxation benefits to the horse, here are some potential therapeutic benefits to the participant who learns how to give back to the horse using the Bladder Meridian Technique:

  • Improve self-confidence and a sense of personal empowerment
  • Promote a feeling of calmness
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve focus
  • Offer a deep sense of connection with the horse
  • Become more present and mindful
  • Other (it all depends on the person’s needs!)

The intention of the facilitated bodywork session is giving a gift to the horse, with the focus on helping the horse. While many benefits can occur for the person during this interaction with the horse, it is not the focus: it’s about the horse. For many people, it is a relief to have an experience where the focus is not on their problem or fixing something within them. Rather, the focus is on helping the horse release tension and being aware of what arises for them during that process.

Jim Masterson, Founder

Lise Lunde, Instructor

Helping Horses & People in Equine-assisted Services Programs

If you work or volunteer in an EAS program and want to put the horse’s welfare at the center of your activities, consider taking this course. You will benefit both the people served in these programs, and the horses who work hard in their job.

There are several ways to weave in Masterson Method bodywork to your EAS program, using this MMES Course:

  1. Facilitate a new learning activity using the Bladder Meridian Technique, showing program participants how they can give back to the horse.
  2. Train program volunteers in how to do the Bladder Meridian Technique to help improve satisfaction and retention while benefitting the horses.
  3. Offer simple bodywork learned in this MMES Course to your EAS horses.


To register for this course, you will need—

  1. At least two years of experience safely handling horses on the ground
  2. Experience working or volunteering with an EAS program (currently, in the past, or planned prior to attending)
  3. To Read the Beyond Horse Massage book or watch the Beyond Horse Massage video prior to attending

For those interested in becoming certified as a Masterson Method Equine Specialist, enrolling in the MMES Fieldwork would be the next step after attending this course. Note that becoming certified as an MMES does not qualify you to begin a professional bodywork practice; for that pathway, please see How to Become Proficient in The Masterson Method.

Equine Specialist Course Dates

Courses are added to our schedule throughout the year. If you find a course that works for you and has openings, we recommend registering as soon as possible. Our courses fill quickly. If a course is FULL, email  to be added to a course waitlist.


October 25-27, 2024 Lovettsville, VA with Stephanie Pfitzer
March 21-23, 2025 Richmond, IL with Lise Lunde
May 12-14, 2025 Montrose, CO with Megan Dushin
June 20-22, 2025 Rancho Santa Fe, CA with Lise Lunde


February 15-17, 2025 New Forest, UK

Steps to Masterson Method Equine Specialist Certification

STEP 1: Equine Specialist Course

In this 3-Day course, you will learn the basics of how to practice The Masterson Method with horses in equine-assisted services (EAS) programs AND how to help EAS program participants and volunteers/staff do the Bladder Meridian Technique with the horse to release tension, build trust, and deepen connection.

Students will—

  • Learn how to practice the fundamental principles of The Masterson Method equine bodywork through following the horse’s responses
  • Gain hands-on experience practicing select techniques on EAS horses
  • Learn about the unique needs of the EAS horse
  • Learn the specific roles and responsibilities of a Masterson Method Equine Specialist and others involved in offering a safe and structured facilitated bodywork activity
  • Plan and practice components of a facilitated bodywork session using role-play
  • Understand safety guidelines and legal obligations as they pertain to EAS participants and horses

Students must meet the following prerequisites:

If you are a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner and interested in pursuing the MMES certification, please contact the MMES Program Coordinator at before registering. We offer a discount to qualified MMCPs interested in assisting and attending. For more information, login to the Fieldwork School Site and look under Resources for our Continuing Education Opportunities.

STEP 2: Equine Specialist Fieldwork & Exam

After attending the Equine Specialist course and with the instructor’s approval, you can continue your journey at home, working on a variety of horses in your area. You will be given assignments to practice on both EAS and non-EAS horses and then reflect on each session in writing. Your mentor will provide written feedback to guide subsequent practice sessions. Then, demonstrate your knowledge and skills using the online exam.

Tuition: $180

Who Is Training For?

MMES certification training is for EAS professionals who wish to both support their program horses and offer an opportunity for their participants, volunteers, and staff to give back to the horse. By incorporating bodywork, professionals can help create an atmosphere of respect and connection with horses.

We expect individuals in the following fields will be interested in certification:

  • Hippotherapy clinical specialists
  • Adaptive riding (formerly referred to as therapeutic riding) instructors
  • Equine-facilitated psychotherapists
  • Equine-assisted learning instructors or coaches
  • Volunteers serving in EAS programs
  • Equine bodywork students or professionals interested in serving in EAS programs

Note About Our Trademark

Only those who have demonstrated proficiency and completed the Masterson Method Certification Program may use The Masterson Method® name and logo. Use of The Masterson Method name and logo by others to promote any professional services is an infringement on trademark rights. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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