Technique Breakdown Video Library with Jim

USD From: $139.95

What if… ?

What if my horse stomps his foot when I ask for a Scapula Release? How do I deal with my horse bracing or pulling away when I ask for Lateral Cervical Flexion? Why does my horse have a particular problem? These are the types of questions that came up during the 2021 Hands Online Membership Technique Breakdown calls. 

In this Library, Jim “breaks down” the steps to perform each technique, including a demonstration video and a follow-up Q&A. With the use of slow-motion, Jim highlights the nuance of this subtle bodywork. He covers 15 techniques in the 12 sessions. In addition, you’ll receive five bonus videos of Jim doing live bodywork sessions over Facebook when you purchase this library! That’s 29 videos in total (see techniques below).

PREREQUISITE: This Library is only available to students who have attended a Masterson Method Weekend Seminar or Equine Specialist Course, or who have enrolled in the Beyond Horse Massage Home Study Course. If you do not meet this criteria, please do not purchase this product, and instead, consider the Hands Online Bodywork Session Reviews with Jim, which is available to anyone interested in improving their work with the Masterson Method.

Beyond Horse Massage Home Study Course

If you would like to purchase the Home Study Course as part of your order to satisfy the prerequisite, you may click to add the course here.

USD $179.95


Sample Clip of One Technique Breakdown with Jim

The Library of Technique Breakdowns with Jim include slow-motion, step-by-step instruction and review to give you—

  • a feel for the nuances of softness and timing that can make these Techniques even more effective for you and your horse,
  • tricks and tips that can help you with particularly challenging horses, and
  • insights into what might be going on behind the problems you might be having with your horse.

Jim covers the following 15 techniques:

  1. Lateral Cervical Flexion
  2. Head Down
  3. Head Up
  4. Scapula Releases (including Alternate Rugby Technique)
  5. Under Scapula
  6. C7 Release
  7. Tongue/Hyoid Release, TMJ Point, and Withers Wiggle
  8. Case Study: Front End Review and Primary Issues
  9. Hind End Points and Sacrum Float
  10. Hind Leg Release – Down and Forward
  11. Hind Leg Release – Down and Back
  12. Lateral Rocking and Dorsal Arch

We encourage you to also check out the Bodywork Session Reviews Video Library with Jim, which is available to anyone interested in improving their work with the Masterson Method.

These recordings are of Zoom calls with Jim Masterson and the Hands Online Membership, a limited-time offering during COVID. If you’d like to be notified of any future offerings, be sure to sign up for our Newsletter.

How to Access Video Library: After your purchase is complete, you may access the video library by clicking on My Account at the top of the website page. Log in to your account by using the username and password you created when you set up your account. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see your receipt. For assistance, contact or call the office at 641-472-1312, Mon through Friday 9 am to 4 pm CST.