The Advanced 5-day Course in Iowa was not only fun, it was an awe inspiring experience and went by too fast. Along with great camaraderie with everyone in the class, we were gifted with the gracious hospitality of Conley and Jim. Jim’s methodology of “Search, Response, Stay, Release” elicits profound and immediate responses from the horse. Stefani Reinhold, Jim’s assistant, supported us every step of the way with her gentle, positive presence. Every barn we traveled to offered a different experience…from Morgans to Percherons, Race horses to Hackney Ponies and horses in rehab for behavioral problems. I have returned home with the tools necessary to follow my dream of working with horses and their humans. I am ever so grateful.
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Donna ClarkAdvanced 5-Day Student

The course was everything I hoped for and more. Coaches level of expertise mixed with her incredible skill to teach is amazing. I took the 2 day with her and this was just a natural transition. The five day was intense, but it simply makes you want more. It was hard to quit each day and definitely hard to leave, but now I have so many new tools and I only want to learn more and get better. Thank you!! I can’t quite put into words how inspired and excited I am to continue the journey.
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Advanced 5-Day Course Student

I just spent the last week taking the Advanced 5-Day Course. The experience was unique because it was so totally experiential. I learned so much in such a short period of time. It was so gratifying to achieve quick results using the Masterson Method. My classmates were all professional equine bodyworkers which made quite a useful networking experience as well. Jim’s method will take your current knowledge base and take it up another level whether you’re already an equine bodyworker, or an equine bodywork class addict like I am. The class gave me confidence in taking the next step in making equine bodywork my career.
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Kathy MayedaAdvanced 5-Day Student

I can’t tell you the doors your clinic has open for my horses, friends and many new clients. For anyone that has been considering attending Jim’s clinics and schools don’t hesitate. You will be treated with the finest of professionalism, you will learn more then you ever imagined. Each person is given substantial individual instruction and assistance encompassing those that are 40 year horse veterans like myself to the newcomer that is just learning about horses. I have been helping horses each day, and they just keep coming. It is so remarkable to see what a gentle touch, loving hand and watchful eye can do to return an equine athlete to full performance. I thought I was blessed to have 6 horses to work on the first week after the clinic. But, when others saw the difference in those six they just kept on coming. Thanks to Jim I have been able to help 40 some horses to date and I am only able to work in the evenings and week-ends. Jim thanks again I can’t wait for the next schools.
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Crystal Marshall

I have been so blessed. Prior to Jim, I studied Tellington Touch, and acupressure all from books. Of course, I had purchased Jim’s video several months before attending the weekend seminar and had been practicing on my five horses. I started with my number one barrel horse. Before beginning work on him we tracked him and measured his stride, as well as taking videos of his movement at a walk, trot, lope, and run. I followed the same procedure with each of my horses (one who is 24 and had pneumo-pleuritis when he was 5) every two weeks as I continued to work on the horses we followed the same process of videoing and finally after four months we tracked my good barrel horse again and his stride had increased by six inches. Each horse showed a visible difference in their stride and a more fluid ease in movement (even the old man). As I was working on my horses and friends saw the progression and improvement in the fluid movement of my horses they began to ask if I would work on theirs. So, it has developed, one barrel racer telling another and the results have been fantastic. I have about 20 steady people now that have their horses worked on every two to three weeks and I have worked on 83 different horses.
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CO MarshallAdvanced 5-Day Student

Jim Masterson stayed with us for a week in October 2011 and used our horses for his clinic. We are a busy riding school and the course was run mostly over the weekend. Jim and his clients worked on all the horses and fitted into the running of the yard really well. It was interesting to see them working on our horses and seeing how they reacted to the treatment. Definitely well worth having the course here and would welcome them again.
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Andy and Kathryn ReeveAdvanced 5-Day Student