Jec Ballou
Jec Ballou: Exercise as Therapy, Simple Routines to Restore & Maintain Looseness. Corrective Exercises, build a progressive plan
Deliberate Practice
Deliberate practice is a reflective practice that will help strengthen your skills in The Masterson Method
A Mind Like Still Water
Watch A Mind Like Still Water before the live Q&A with Mark, Jim, Dylan Silver (producer) and Crissi McDonald
Jec Ballou: Exercise as Therapy, Simple Routines to Restore & Maintain Looseness
Deliberate Practice
Deliberate practice is a reflective practice that will help strengthen your skills in The Masterson Method. Because all practicing creates new neural pathways in the brain that lock a new behavior in place, we want to be sure we’re practicing a technique correctly. Instead of being perfectionistic, self- judgmental and tight, deliberate practice focuses on the gap between the way someone highly competent does something and what you as a learner are currently doing. Deliberate practice delights in that gap because once you see it, you are on the path to improvement.
These videos were developed for the Master The Method Advanced Home Study Course, and are available to conference attendees.
You can also watch this video of LCF on YouTube with nice camera angles and close-ups of Jim’s hand doing LCF. Be sure to slow it down and turn off the sound to really focus on his micro-movements (and the horse’s)!
Please download the Guide and Worksheet files below, and have them with you for the session on Saturday. This will help you make the most of your practice time with horses!