2025 Newsletters

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Another Holiday - Another Demo! Jim's travels and fun photos...

(4) That's it. Softness!

Valentine's Day - Softness & Connection, fun photos, new courses!

Masterson Fergus Body Work

Welcome to 2025! New courses, New photos, Happy New Year!

2024 Newsletters


Year End Wrap-Up, Jim's 12 Days of Christmas on Facebook!


Beyond Black Friday Sale, New Podcast, New Courses!


Bladder Meridian Challenge Winner, Books for Horse Lovers, MMCP news

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Bladder Meridian Challenge, Gentle Bodywork Course, Blog of ``Jim-isms``

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MMES Program News, Ridely Challenge, Blog and H&H article


TWO sales, Another Podcast, New Blog Article


Doubt the Doubt, Traveling Videos, New Podcast

Jim hipnotizing horse

Light to the Core Streaming Sale, Jim's Travels, and Photos


Get the Book! Continued Learning Options, and Jim's videos.


Horses and Humans, Fortune Centre Video, Last Chance for Barcelona with Jim!


Horses4Heroes, Winter Videos, New Canine and Equine courses


Happy New Year, Winter Weather, New Podcast, Two Testimonials

2023 Newsletters


Jim's travels, 60's music, BHM Book in Japanese, Celebrating Popper and Annabelle

Horse Class Gentle Bodywork (1)

Two Sales, Thanksgiving Stories, Recognized Host Barn, Dog Book Review!

Masterson Square episode - 21

New Podcast, More of Jim's Stories, Bladder Meridian Technique results

Jim working on a horse

Bladder Meridian Technique Challenge, videos, photos, and lots of course listings


Jim is ``on the road again``, serving those who serve, great photos!

Photo of Jim with horse's chin resting on his shoulder, with the words, If you stay long enough and light enough, the horse's body will release the tension, by Jim Masterson

Gentle Bodywork with Jim, What/Where is Vermillion? and Lots of Courses!

WS in Canada

Jim's Vacation in Europe, LTC in UK, a bit on bits with Daniel.

JM sketch body work

Lake Wobegon in Iowa , MM Comedy Corner, Videos and Photos!

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Jim's Travels, MMES News, Lots of photos!

Jim at Equitana

Jim at Equitana, MES at home, Testimonials and more...

Jim working on horse at 2023 MMCP Gathering

Jim's upcoming travels, Hands online sale, MMCP Gathering and more...


50K Followers on IG, January Promotion, Jim's news and videos!

2022 Newsletters

Cover image to the film, A Mind Like Still Water, with a person riding a horse and the silhouette of a woman with long hair.

Winner of Equus Film Fest, A Pure Bred, photo array, Christmas card

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Jim's Adventures, Weekend Seminar in Chiba, Japan, MMES and Travel news!

Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid

Camping at Home, Journey on Podcast Summit, Demos and Photos!


Instagram contest results, Natalie's report, Pre-Sale announcement, MMCP Combo Demo!

Mule Happy

Jim's back and in action, New MMCPs, Great Photos, MMES Video.

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Where's Jim? MMES News, Weekend in Hawaii, new podcast and more!

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Dog Book, Recognized Host/Barn, MMES and more!


Australia on the schedule, Video, What's been happening!


Light to the Core, fun Videos, bring your sense of humor!

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Annabelle and Jeremiah are featured, Jim is busy writing, and MMCPs are busy around the globe.


Cave Creek Collaborative Clinic, MMCP Demos, a Veteran's story, and a deer dancing in the waves!

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Jim's travels and courses in CA, Endurance Magazine article, another Podcast, and more!

2021 Newsletters


Arroyo Grande photos, new Light to the Core courses, MMCP Demos


Jim, Mark and Dianne at Arroyo Grande, Celebrating Five new MMCPs, MMCP Demos

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Jim at Equitana, MMCPs in the Newspaper, MMCP Demos, New Podcast

annabelle saddled

Annabelle's Outfit, Bodywork blogs, How a Horse Jumps, and News from Here and There.

Photo of a girl doing the Bladder Meridian technique on a pony while the pony is yawning.

All the Pony Club ``doings``, Leona Dushin donations, MMCPs in the News

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Two Certification Courses, Travel, Colorado Collaborative and Brain Clinics

Annabelle summer clipping, Stories from MMMRT, 2 Podcasts, UK/EU new MMCPs, Gretchen Deane

Arizona Certification, Pony Club Festival coming up, Overseas Courses, WHOA Podcast,

NEW Masterson Method CUPS; Jim flies For Bodywork; It's Not all Physical; Missing Kait

Jim holding a horse as he yawns, laughing

Overseas info; Interviews with Jim; German translation

Cheyenne WY Oct 2day 2020

Covid Update; Jim's Sleigh Ride; A Day with Mules

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Jim's travels; Membership Videos; Social Media Update

2020 Newsletters

``A Mind Like Still Water`` documentary pre-sales; Membership launched

Facebook Live, Thanksgving Day Sale, Warwick Schiller Testimonial

Jim's Bodywork, Letter from Finland, ``What to do with Fidgeting? video``

Jim at home, Jo the artist, Diane's accomplishments

Upcoming New Online Education Courses, Videos on the MMES Program

Jim's travels, Collaborative Clinic, Mystery Lameness, Upcoming Membership

Facebook Live, Cutting Horse program, Kentucky Equitana

Facebook Live on Head Shy Issues, Student Testimonial, & German Article

Veterinarian Testimonial, Confident Rider Podcast Interview, 30% Discount, & 2nd Facebook Live

COVID-19 Update, Dental Visit, & Facebook Live Event

An Amazing Video, New Instructors, Masterson Method Mobile Response Team

Coffee with Annabelle and Jeremiah, midwest meet up, don't risk depo