Preparing for Your Upcoming Masterson Method Course

Are you attending a Masterson Method® course? Terrific! Here is what you need to know to prepare. Please read thoroughly:

  • The schedule for each day is generally 8:45am–5:00pm, unless otherwise noted. The course will begin at 9:00am, but please plan on arriving 15 minutes before the course begins, to sign in and get acquainted.
  • Based on the course you are attending, you’ll want to review the prerequisite material in advance:
  • All participants will need to bring their own sack lunch and/or snacks (unless otherwise noted). Not all barns have refrigerators on the premises so please come prepared with a way to keep your lunch cool, if possible/necessary.
  • Students are responsible for making their own accommodation reservations. You may search for accommodation information via Google Travel, Airbnb, Vrbo, or any other preferred search engine.
  • Please do NOT book your flight or accommodation until you receive confirmation from our office that we have reached the minimum number of participants necessary to move forward with the course. We will not be held responsible for any accommodations or travel fees incurred due to course postponement or cancellation.
  • We ask that students not record video during the course. Still photography may be allowed, but please check with the Instructor and anyone being photographed, and be courteous to other students when taking photos.
  • Remember to drink water and stay hydrated throughout the day. Please keep track of empty bottles and other trash to dispose of appropriately.
  • Each student will receive a workbook. We encourage you to bring a notebook if you would like to take extra notes. Please keep track of your own materials and be sure not to leave anything in the barn or surrounding area. Only clipboards, pens and workbooks are allowed inside the stalls. Please leave other bags, etc. outside and in a place that will not obstruct the barn aisle.
  • Wear appropriate footwear and attire (boots, leather, barn shoes, no sandals, flip flops, or open-toed shoes) and comfortable, loose clothing (jeans and appropriate shirt, no tank tops or sleeveless tops). Please do not wear scarves or excessive jewelry. You will be bending and moving around, so attire must be suitable for the work.
  • You will be making contact with the pads of your fingers in some very sensitive areas on the horse’s body. Fingernails that do not extend much past the tips of your fingers are typically the best length.
  • You will be working with horses in stalls, on mats or concrete, and/or in an open space. Use appropriate caution at all times.
  • Please, no dogs allowed, for the safety of all.
  • Work only on horses that are approved by the instructor. The instructor will tell you which horses are available to practice on.
  • Think about where you are physically, in the stall, when working. Make sure the horse has room to move away, on a path that does not involve running into you. The instructor will cover this again prior to beginning your work. If the instructor feels you are not properly handling a horse and they assess the situation as potentially dangerous, they may request that you step out of the stall and audit only.
  • The instructor and assistant(s) will do their best to move from stall to stall during practice sessions. Their goal is to give everyone one-on-one instruction. Please be patient.
  • Please review these general COVID-19 Precautions
  • All students must respect the following policies:
    • No Solicitation: No solicitation of business is to be done prior, during or after the seminar. You are there as a student to learn The Masterson Method®. Please do not pass out cards or make arrangements for equine services with the host, horse owners, or other students during the seminar.
    • Trademark Use: Only those who have demonstrated proficiency and completed the Masterson Method Certification Program may use The Masterson Method® name and logo. Use of The Masterson Method name and logo by others to promote any professional services is an infringement on trademark rights.