Hosting a course at your facility is one of the most rewarding experiences you can share with friends, colleagues, and horse lovers from any discipline, as well as with your horses. One host shared, “…Even my horses had a spring in their step by the end of the weekend!”

We have three types of courses available for hosting:

Basic Requirements

We maintain a number of hosting prerequisites to ensure a uniform and high-quality learning experience for students enrolled at any given Course.

Because we want to ensure your facility is a perfect fit for this type of event, please conduct a self-check when you review our Basic Requirements, Collaborative Promotion, and Host Benefits below.

We Look For…

  • 12 – 14 Qualified Horses. Horses must be in good condition, have good stable manners, and be fitted with a halter and lead rope (preferably flat nylon or leather halter). Pregnant mares, stallions, and horses under the supervision of a veterinarian or with an acute injury or illness are not qualified to participate in this course.
  • Suitable Area to Practice. Six or seven stalls (ideally 12×12′ or larger), individual pole paddocks or a large covered arena.
  • Demonstration Area.  A covered arena, large wash or grooming stall no smaller than 12×12′ or aisle with ample space for students to watch the Instructor.
  • Seating for 12-14 People in Demonstration Area. Chairs (one chair per person) or hay bales to sit on during the demonstrations.
  • Lunch Area. An area for students to comfortably sit and eat their lunch.
  • Drinking Water. Host agrees to provide attendees drinking water for both days of the course.
  • Promotion. Work in collaboration with The Masterson Method to help spread the word about the course.
  • Transportation and Lodging. Ideally, the host will provide lodging for the Instructor, as well as their transportation to/from the airport (and to/from their lodging during the course if off-site). Please indicate on the Host Application Form what you are able to provide.

Help Spread the Word

When you are approved to host a Course, your promotional efforts are key in spreading the word in your local area. We list all courses here on this website, as well as in social media and Jim’s monthly newsletter. You’ll receive tools to support your local promotional efforts:

  • A checklist with ideas of how to spread the word.
  • A social media “how to” easy instruction guide to invite your followers.
  • A course flyer to email friends, post to your website, and/or bring to your local tack stores, stables, equestrian clubs, 4H clubs, dressage clubs, etc.

If you have any questions about promoting the course, we’re here for you!

Host Benefits

  • Horses that participate during the course always appreciate a weekend of Masterson Method® bodywork!
  • For hosts in the U.S.A., you may receive one free spot in the course after the minimum of 7 paid registrants are secured.
  • Your course will be listed in our newsletter, website, Facebook page, and any local expos or other Masterson events.
  • You can network with other equine lovers who enjoy mindful approaches to bodywork.
  • For courses outside of North America, please check with your local instructor for any additional benefits they may offer.