Since I was a child, I felt a strong connection with nature and animals, especially horses. At the age of 17, I started volunteering at the Hippotherapy stable, later becoming a hippotherapist, simultaneously taking care of the horses from that stable. In the meantime I started studying animal science and welfare at Poznań University of Life Sciences, currently finishing the master degree in Hippology. 

During my work as a hippotherapist, I started getting interested in equine physiotherapy, as I saw many of the horses were tense and stressed, therefore I was wondering if there was a way I could help them. That’s how I found the Masterson Method®. Starting with the Bladder Meridian Technique, I was amazed how even the lightest touch could impact the horse. That’s when I knew this was the path for me and began the journey with this incredible method of therapy. 

In order to broaden my knowledge, I attended other courses, such as myofacial therapy, and graduated from Equine veterinary physiotherapy training center, becoming an equine physiotherapist. Currently I’m gaining knowledge and experience in animal osteopathy for an even more holistic approach. I also use manual techniques in therapeutic work with other animals, in addition to horses.

I work mostly near Poznan but I’m willing to go further places as well. 

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