Nancy began her career as a custom furniture maker and woodworking instructor. This ‘detail to big picture’ process collaborated the feel of working with beautiful, once alive hardwoods – use of senses for designing a useful product, then applying technical skills to construct the project. Eventually this career transitioned to computer design, database development, website design and online course instructor. What she didn’t realize was how that education would bring her to this powerful healing work with horses..

Nancy’s introduction to horses can be described as a mid-life passion that began in 1999. The desire to find a common interest with a friend turned into a full-blown passion for ‘everything horse’ after just two riding / equine care lessons. She immersed herself in the best equine clinicians that gave weekly lessons on RFD-TV – after seeing Jim’s demonstration with Rick Lamb on “the Horse Show”. The communication and results with every horse are simply astounding.  The Masterson Method® provides a solid foundation in skill development, understanding and awareness with horses perspective, reactions and responses. The the Weekend Seminar, Advanced 5-day course, field work-study, Anatomy and MMCP certification course helped her develop skill sets and supported continued growth to help horses. Time spent with mentors, coaches and fellow grads along with continued education makes The Masterson Method® program highly rated. Horses immensely benefit from this work!

Nancy created the Greater Good Ranch along with Greater Good Points on her 30 acres in the Salish Mountains in Kila, Montana. Currently partnered with 6 horses, 2 dogs and a cat, there are endless possibilities for activities and healing. Nancy offers bodywork sessions with horses and other animals,  educates owners and handlers to see issues and maintain health, offers workshops promoting wellness, in person along with an online program, focuses on communication and connection.


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