Lise Lunde working with horse

Beasley, TX Advanced 5-Day course with Becky Tenges

Wickenburg AZ Advanced 5-Day course with Coralie Hughes

Thierhaupten, Germany: Advanced 5-Day October 5-9, 2019 with Walter Saxe (taught in German)

Germany Advanced 5-Day Course with Walter Saxe

Oxfordshire, UK October 12-13, 2019 Certification Completion

Oxfordshire, UK October 12-13, 2019 Certification Completion 1

Field Work Course (Pay full price)

Student working with horse

Tucson, AZ: Advanced 5-Day October 28-November 1, 2019 with Vanessa Helvey

Tucson AZ Advanced 5-Day course with Vanessa Helvey

Advanced 5-Day Course with Lucie Klaassen

Advanced 5-Day course with Lucie Klaassen

Coatesville, IN Advanced 5-Day, July 22-26, 2019 with Coralie Hughes
Watsonville, CA: Advanced 5-Day September 23–27, 2019 with Sandy Vreeburg

Advanced 5-Day course students with Sandy Vreeburg