Sylvie grew up in a small village in the north of Quebec, Canada. She spent most of her youth watching wild animals, sometimes rescuing them, and taking care of cats and dogs at home.

At some point in her life she wanted to be around horses. She started dressage riding lessons and got her first horse, Dream. “I was not aware Dream had so many issues, she said. He was not using his body properly and, as most horses do, he was doing his very best with me”.

Sylvie discovered The Masterson Method® because she wanted to help Dream. She bought the book and DVD and just tried!

“From the beginning Dream LOVED everything about Masterson! He taught me to slow down, to breathe, and to pay attention to the smallest signs of release. He was my best teacher ever and the reason I became the first certified practitioner here in Quebec, Canada”.

Sylvie works with all kinds of horses. “Being around horses is a therapy, a gift, a journey in itself. I feel so blessed with what I do, gratitude fills my heart every time, with every horse. The learning process never seems to end!”

Sylvie’s goal is to help owners and horses through their own journey together. She also wants to make The Masterson Method® known in Quebec. She started teaching the method in French in 2020 and also acts as a coach for students through their certification journey.


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