You know that old expression “big green horse, small green rider? Meet Kathy and Molly.
Molly was just shy of 17 hh (Draft cross); a four-year-old green horse. Kathy was 47 and 4’11”; green and naive, but bounced off things pretty good, and had a good health care plan.
We make our plans for our horse, but the horse may have other ideas. When Molly tore a suspensory ligament, my horse journey took a completely new direction. I studied Reiki to help her while on stall rest, I became a Usui Reiki Ryoho Master. Then followed Karuna Reiki Master, Komyo Reiki Shinpiden Shihan, equine sports massage therapist, spiritual psychotherapist, and meditation instructor. In 2013, Molly and I were featured on the cover of The International Centre for Reiki Training magazine and my article on Reiki with horses in that issue sold out. Thanks to Mark Rashid, I even took up Aikido at 62 (read the book it’s a lot easier).
I also discovered The Masterson Method® in 2013. I was struck by the quality of softness and how listening to the horse was a major component in achieving success with the MM techniques. After a weekend course, I realized I could bring so much more to Molly and maybe I would go on to help other horses. I came home and worked on a horse the trainer felt was dangerous. (I worked in a round pen as it was the only place available.) The owner walked in and saw that horse’s head on my shoulder and started tearing up. Moments like that fill my life now. It’s a huge gift to a horse. I love holding the space open to “hear what the horse has to say” (quoting Jim). In that deep space, you connect with the horse in a way that changes you both. There is a sense of expansive one-ness.
The quality of people Masterson Method® has attracted to this tribe are outstanding. Some have great minds for anatomy and science, some more talented at riding, and many have both qualities. We all have one thing in common: we care so deeply about helping the horse feel better in their body and in their relationship with humans. For me, The Masterson Method® is like a walking meditation. The techniques walk you and the horse into the present moment. This can heal a lot in both the horse and the human. We grow compassion.
As a Coach and Light To The Core Instructor, it is a thrill to share these beautiful techniques with students and watch the transformation that happens in those tender moments with the horse.
I can’t really call this work. It nourishes my soul.
Masterson Method® came into my life by chance. Or did it? Turns out Jim and I share the exact same birthday and year! Coincidence?