Jessica Brown has been fascinated by horses since she could first talk, and they’ve always played a big part in the story of her life. However, it wasn’t until she discovered The Masterson Method® that they landed their well-deserved leading role, and her passion for exploring and sharing the horse/ human connection truly began to unfold. 

Jessica’s family didn’t know much about horses, but they knew access to them was what she wanted more than anything, and hence gifted her riding lessons for her 12th birthday. By the time she could drive, she was  teaching beginner lessons with a focus on horse care and rider biomechanics in exchange for saddle time at a small Hunter/Jumper barn. 

Jessica feared spoiling her love for animals with the pressure of an animal centered career, so although she worked for vets and animal shelters as a young adult, she ultimately decided to pursue a Nursing career. After 10 years of Nursing in an acute hospital setting, she made a career jump to stay at home with her newborn daughter and assist her husband in starting up their catering company, Nameless Catering. She remained devoted to horses throughout this time, purchasing her first in 2006. She self-trained that ex-racer, named Romeo, to become a reliable partner across many disciplines and experience levels. 

As he reached retirement age, she began riding and training other horses. In her quest to uncover the cause of perceived pain related behaviors in one of them, a misunderstood Paint named Sherwin, she recalled a compelling presentation about something called The Masterson Method® she’d seen at her local library a couple years prior. She soon attended her first Weekend Seminar in April of 2022, and continued down the path to certification without hesitation. 

Masterson education changed just about everything for Jessica. The basic tenet of softening when we meet resistance found applications across all levels of not only her horse life, but her personal life as well, and the depth of knowledge and discovery that continues to stem from it shows no end in sight and fills her with gratitude daily. She deeply enjoys her work, and spends her remaining time maintaining and enjoying her slice of heaven with her husband and daughter, expanding her knowledge of the horse-human connection and sharing it with whomever will listen, and of course training and riding her horses whenever she can. At the time of writing this, Romeo still lives on her farm at the ripe age of 25, and though Sherwin’s life was cut short at 14, she credits him with leading her to Masterson and everything that has and will follow. 2 other horses, Simba and Sonny, live on her farm along with a generous smattering of other animals, and each claims a piece of her heart.

Contact Information
Lebanon, Indiana, United States