Computers weren’t a household item when I was growing up. We had no TV, so the family horses were one of our main sources of entertainment. My fascination with them started as far back as I can remember. I had no formal training and spent my early years bush bashing on a black Stockhorse called Don. He was my best mate as a child and confidante through the angsty teenage years! 

I left home and horses to start my career as a nurse, get married and bring up my family. When my daughter turned seven, I could no longer ignore her pleading for a horse of her own and so horses came back into my life. It felt like a homecoming, and my love and respect for these beautiful animals was re-ignited. 

I became a PC Mum for the next 10 years and then bought my own horse – a chestnut QH with a heart of gold called Gus. We spent 15 years riding the trails, trekking and competitive trail riding.

I also became immersed in learning – natural horsemanship, trimming, nutrition and of course, bodywork. I tried some short courses in different modalities, and although interesting, none really inspired me. Then I came across a clip of Jim working on a horse, and I had a lightning bolt moment. Wow!  (He also made me laugh!) So, I flew to Victoria to do a weekend course and introduction to The Masterson Method® and began working on my own horses, then friends’ horses. The changes I saw (and felt) and feedback from owners provided the catalyst to continue my Masterson journey. 

What started with an interest and desire to help my own horses has now become a passion and I hope to improve the comfort of every horse I am privileged to work on with this gentle and interactive mode of bodywork. I have loved every part of this journey, and I am proud to now be an MMCP (still pinching myself!). 

The amazing support and inspiration from all the coaches and mentors, the laughs, and meeting like-minded people from diverse backgrounds has been amazing. We were all brought together with a common goal – to improve the comfort of horses and help them reach their potential. I continue to trail ride and do short treks on my Australian Stockhorse x Highland Pony, Cooee, while Gus is living a leisurely retirement.

Contact Information
Ipswich QLD, Queensland, Australia