Like most of you, my love for horses started as a kid, riding horses at the local horse-riding academy.  I was spending all my weekends, together with my best friend, riding and caring for the horses.  Somehow, life got in the way, and horses were not part of it for many, many years. 

After the birth of my second child, I started riding again and my passion was revived!  It was like I had never stopped and my passion exponentially grew.  Rapidly it took a turn into a desire to know everything about the horse!  The mere idea of just riding was not enough. This thirst for knowledge eventually led me to discover the Masterson Method®.  It started with getting the Masterson Method® book and trying to help the local school horses.  However, this was obviously not enough. Hence, followed the weekend seminar, the 5-day course and ultimately the certification program.  In parallel to this, I was dissatisfied with my current career and deep down, I knew a change needed to happen.   This is how came the decision to fully focus on learning the Masterson Method® and to complete the certification program to become a Certified Practitioner.  I was able to dedicate my time to the horses that need our help to achieve their fullest potential.   

As a Certified Practitioner, my goal is to help the horses, the best I can, to feel better so that they can move better, free of discomfort! I also believe each owner has a role to play in the well-being of their partner, making them an integral part of the team.  Only together can we effect change and solve the big puzzles of the horse’s body. 

I serve horses of all sizes and disciplines in the Barcelona/Sitges/Vilanova y la Geltru area and look forward to meeting you and your beloved partners!

Contact Information
Vilanova y la Geltru, Barcelona, Spain