I started riding horses when I retired, something to keep me busy I thought!! … and that was the start of an interest that was to change my life.  My first horse, an Andalusian PRE who I named Sevi, taught me so much about the dedication needed to own such a wonderful creature.  I owe him a lot as he allowed me to work my way through all the stages of learning to care for him and how to ride from scratch.  He was so patient and when I lost him, I found my second horse, again an Andalusian PRE but a lot younger this time, 5 years old with a bag full of  issues.  I just couldn’t connect with him, he wouldn’t let me in….  Quickly I realized that I needed to find something special to help me build his faith in me as his owner. I am a firm believer that horses find you….  

Consequent research guided me to The Masterson Method®, where you learn to recognize and use the responses of the horse to find and release tension.  I enrolled in the weekend course and was so impressed that I continued my education right though to certification. This education gave me the key to understand all of the issues my horse was bracing against and holding in, the default flight mode for survival, and working through these issues together I now have the best bond anyone could ask for with their horse.  

I regularly work with the local BHS Registered Riding School and a business of Professional Carriage Driving horses.  Becoming a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner has given me a great understanding of how we can work with our horses in return for all they strive to give us, which is everything.  

Contact Information
Croston, Lancashire, United Kingdom