I think my story starts the same way as many young girls does….an absolute love for the horse. I think my story continues as it does for a lot of young adult women. College, starting a career, starting a family, relocating. The love for the horse doesn’t end, the circumstances just make life with a horse a bit more difficult for a while but, that love is always there. Thankfully, most of us are fortunate enough to rekindle that passion and find our way back to the horse.

I reunited with my love of horses when I moved back to the mainland from Hawaii. There was a trail guide/boarding facility located near my home. I leased a horse named Cricket. We had an amazing time riding on miles of National Forest land. Months into our partnership, my husband was relocated to the Bay Area for work. The owner of the barn knew how much I loved this horse. She asks me would I like to take Cricket with me! The rest is history as they say. We now live in Aromas, CA.

Being around horses fills my heart with such joy. I kept wondering, how could I spend time with them and possibly make it my career? I thought, what about massage? I have been a human licensed massage therapist since 2000. I researched this option and began taking a distant learning course for Equine massage therapist through the University of South Carolina. I received my certification and learned a lot but, I wanted some hands-on learning and more to add to my toolbox. I came across The Masterson Method®. Luckily for me, there was a weekend course offered very close to my home. I signed up for that first workshop and it literally was the most amazing, profound experience. It could not be any more apparent that the horses love this work and it is highly effective. In addition to the method being so great, so are all the people that I have connected with during this journey. There is such a camaraderie that develops between your classmates, your instructors, mentors, coaches. I am now a Masterson Method® Certified Practitioner and I love it.

My goal is to be the best steward to horses that I can possibly be. I hope to use the knowledge I have learned through the University of South Carolina and The Masterson Method® to help all horses I touch. I feel it is very important to the wellbeing of the horse that the rider takes in account their own body awareness. By utilizing my education as a fitness professional and a massage therapist, I hope to raise awareness in the rider how important it is for them to incorporate a program that increases strength, mobility, flexibility, and bodywork into their own lives. When the rider is in balance the horse can be more in balance. When the horse is in better balance it helps the rider become more balanced. A synergy is created between the two that is unparalleled.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy4horses/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Synergy-Bodywork-and-Massage-for-the-Horse-and-Rider

Contact Information
Gilroy, California, United States