I am what you can call a late bloomer when it comes to working with horses. I have had a love for horses my entire life, but it was only in the last few years that I had the opportunity to interact and volunteer with a local Equine Assisted Services (EAS) facility, Horses with Hearts in Martinsburg, WV. By volunteering, I was able to see how the horses were changing lives of the individuals in the program, and it amazed me to see how calm and kind these horses were day in and day out for each lesson. I felt like I needed to find a way to give back to the horses that were giving so much of themselves. That is when I came across The Masterson Method®. The more I researched, the more I was intrigued. I first ordered the book and watched the videos available, and then I attended the weekend seminar. I was hooked! The connection that develops between the horse and human is indescribable. I then went on to take the Equine Specialist Course and completed the MMES Fieldwork program.

As a certified Masterson Method Equine Specialist, I am excited to share the techniques I have learned with my Horses with Hearts herd, volunteers, and participants as well as any EAS facility that is looking to connect with their horses in a beautiful and meaningful way.  

Contact Information
Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States