As is the case with most little girls, I grew up loving horses.  The very first thing I did after receiving my first paycheck was to run out and sign up for riding lessons.  Many years have passed, but the love remains.  Having recently retired from my career in Human Resources, I now have more time to spend in my passion for horses.  I work at two Equine Assisted Services (EAS) facilities in the Raleigh, North Carolina area – Hope Reins and Helping Horse.  I experience every day how horses have a profound, positive impact on the children and adults in these programs.  I began exploring ways that we could better connect with and give back to these incredible animals and learned about the Masterson Method®.  After attending a weekend seminar, I was hooked.  I could not only see the benefits to the horse, but also the human.  It promotes a wonderful conversation between the person and horse that builds trust and connection.

As a Masterson Method Equine Specialist (MMES) I look forward to giving back to the EAS herds at the facilities where I work.  In addition, I am excited to bring Masterson techniques to the toolkit utilized with participants at these programs and other interested programs in the area.

Contact Information
Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States