I only got your book a few days ago and started to work on one of my horses, Cushings and IR, 16 y old, with lots of tension all over his body. I can’t even count the many different people who have worked on him to no major avail. It was absolutely amazing how this horse released over and over, and how much better he used his front legs after only this one session.
Another large gelding, 9 y old, always had trouble going downhill, it was very uncomfortable for him, not a good thing when you live in Vermont. Again, he had many professionals working on him and he did get somewhat better but never normal.
I did not have much time, so I just realized where I knew he had problems, and he went downhill 90% improved.
Today again I spent about 20 minutes with him, then took him on 2 hour long ride with lots of hills, he felt totally normal. His muscles in the troubled areas are still sore to touch, but he now has the freedom to use them properly. I still have to pinch myself that this is really true. I have 5 horses, so I will get to work on the others. Will let you know if I encounter further amazing changes.
Thank you so much for making your method available.