Yes, I ordered the Equine Massage for the Performance Horse from you yesterday. I am so impressed with the results I’ve seen on online videos — truly beyond anything I’ve seen with any other technique — (and I am very familiar with bodywork practitioners from Feldenkreis to Tellington-Jones) . I have a little mare who has much stiffness and tightness and body pain from a variety of causes – she is 17 years old and I’ve raised her from birth — and nothing has helped all that much. From just a brief YouTube video of Mr. Masterson working on a horse I tried the releasing of her head and poll — I tell you I almost cried from her response — she is normally so stiff she doesn’t like her head moved about — after just a few minutes she dropped her head, licked her lips and let out a huge sigh — last night was the third time I tried it and as she watched me enter her stall with halter she turned towards me, sighed deeply and peed. I believe she was actually asking for the treatment. (and I am just beginning!) Her eye was so sweet and soft. This is the closest thing to magic I have ever witnessed. Nothing else comes close. I hope to see Mr. Masterson at the Midwest Horse Fair. I was so excited I have now gotten the book and the other dvd from Barnes and Noble. I also look forward to a weekend seminar when one is near. My mare (a gorgeous dun quarter horse) is the love of my life and I am so grateful to have found something that will help her. God bless you for your work and for sharing it with others.