Natural Balance Dentristry practitioner checking the incisor alignment of a horse

One MMCP’s Journey Through Natural Balance Dentistry™ to Improve the Horse’s Whole Body Balance

by Gretchen Deane For this month’s Blog Post, we invited Gretchen Deane, MMCP and Certified Neuromuscular Horse Dentist, to share her thoughts on equine dentistry and bodywork. Did you know that floating practices affect the horse’s whole body and that tension and movement patterns in the horse’s body also affect the teeth? Yes, anytime we…

Bodywork on the horse's hind end to release tension on the sacroiliac joint

The Sacroiliac Joint: That Key Junction

When doing The Masterson Method® with a horse, there are three key junctions in the horse’s body, which are our main focus. These are the Poll-Atlas; the Neck-Shoulder-Withers; and the Hind End. Tension on any of these three key junctions can cause excessive tension to accumulate in major muscles and connective tissue. In addition, excessive…