As a child I always enjoyed being around animals, especially horses. This led to work as a large and small animal veterinary assistant for many years and, eventually, horse ownership while in high school. Life detoured me away from horses as I got married and then my priority became raising my family. Eventually, my eldest daughter’s interest in horseback riding brought horses back into my life. Many days spent at the barn, watching my daughter’s rides, helping care for the lesson horses, and the occasional riding lesson for myself eventually led to horse ownership once again. 

My Masterson journey began with our horse, Hugo. After an injury he needed some extra attention due to issues he was experiencing. The Masterson Method® was brought to my attention, but the previous MMCP in the area had recently relocated. This led me to the Beyond Horse Massage book and I started to work through the techniques with Hugo. The results were magical. I knew that I had to continue to learn and master the techniques, so I began my certification journey. I am so thankful to be a part of the Masterson Method team and to work to make horses feel and perform better.

Contact Information
Shreveport, Louisiana, United States