IT / Project Manager & MMCP Liaison

Megan Dushin is the IT / Project Manager and MMCP Liaison for Masterson Equine Services. Megan grew up on a horse farm in New York State that was the headquarters of one of the earliest United States Pony Clubs established in the US in the 1950s. She competed at the national level and taught riding…

Overseas Manager, Co-Director of Education & Fieldwork

Vicky Devlin certified in The Masterson Method® in 2010 and has since traveled the world with Jim Masterson co-teaching the weekend and 5-Day courses. She is the Overseas Manager for all The Masterson Method® courses in Europe, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. She teaches The Masterson Method® introductory weekend, 5-Day Advanced courses and Certification…

Instructor Lead and Trainer, Co- Director of Education & Fieldwork North America

Sandy Vreeburg has had a passion for horses since birth. She started taking riding lessons at age 10 and spent long days at the barn helping in any way that she could. Since she did not have a horse of her own, she made herself available to ride the more challenging horses in the barn.…

Chief Operations Officer

Kait first joined the Masterson Team in 2016.  She started by helping with shipping and social media with coffee in hand and crystals on her desk. She assumed more daily task responsibilities along with assisting Jim and organizing annual educational conferences. In 2019, Kait started overseeing operations and handling human resources. She loved communicating with…

Special Projects

Conley has been here since the beginning of The Masterson Method®. Beginning with Jim working on horses on the show circuit to teaching the Weekend Courses and beyond, she’s been there for support.  She has helped grow the business and has seen the exponential growth from a 2 person office (Conley and the bookkeeper) to…