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Block 2 – Mentor: Elizabeth Appleyard

Elizabeth Appleyard

Block 2 Focus: In Block 2 we would like for you to concentrate on the “bigger picture” — incorporating anatomy, refining the techniques and your approach to each individual horse, honing your observation skills and ability to collect the information necessary to get an idea of what issues the horse might be experiencing. We’d like to transition you from merely doing the techniques to being able to give a “Final Evaluation” of the horse. For more about the focus of this block, please review your Fieldwork Student Manual.

You must incorporate mentor feedback from the first session of a case study in the second session (i.e., if your mentor has suggested improvements in a technique or asked why you didn’t do a specific technique in the first session, you need to show that you did the technique differently or used the technique in the second session). If you don’t incorporate your mentor’s suggestions in the follow-up session, the session will not be accepted as part of the case study and you will have to do it over.

After completing your 10 case studies (2 sessions per horse), please work with Elizabeth to find a Coach. After scheduling your Coaching Course, then register and pay for your Coaching Course online.

How to name your case studies
For tracking purposes, please save your case study and evaluation using the correct naming convention: DO NOT include spaces or special characters when naming your case studies and evaluations. Special characters are characters that are not letters or numbers, for example #, @, ( ), etc.

Please use this format when naming your case studies and evaluations:

Student’s last name (example: Williams)
Horse name (example: Roadie)
Case study # (example: 1)
Session # (example: 1)

First case study, part 1: “lastname-horsename1.1.doc” and “name-horsename1.1eval.pdf”
First case study, part 2: “lastname-horsename1.2.doc” and “name-horsename1.2eval.pdf”

Please try to save your case study in a word document. This makes it easier for Mentors to give feedback directly on your case study. Your evaluation can be uploaded as a pdf or jpg.

Contact Elizabeth: [email protected] | Phone: 630-877-4968

Module 1 Case Study 6 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 1 Case Study 6 - Session 1 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 2 Case Study 6 - Session 2 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Module 2 Case Study 7 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 1 Case Study 7 - Session 1 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 2 Case Study 7 - Session 2 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Module 3 Case Study 8 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 1 Case Study 8 - Session 1 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 2 Case Study 8 - Session 2 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Module 4 Case Study 9 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 1 Case Study 9 - Session 1 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 2 Case Study 9 - Session 2 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Module 5 Case Study 10 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 1 Case Study 10 - Session 1 (Elizabeth Appleyard)
Unit 2 Case Study 10 - Session 2 (Elizabeth Appleyard)