Masterson Method

Weekend Seminar Host Agreement

Seminar-Workshop Agreement between Masterson Equine Services (MES) and HOST at EVENT VENUE for a Masterson Method® Beyond Horse Massage Seminar-Workshop, SEMINAR DATES.

Masterson Equine Services, 123 North Main Street #5, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 agrees to provide and be responsible for the following:

1. Seminar-Workshop and Seminar-Workshop Information

Masterson Equine Services agrees to provide a two-day Seminar-Workshop, Seminar-Workshop Materials and Seminar-Workshop Instructor who will instruct students in the Masterson Method® of Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork®. The seminar - workshop will be limited to 12 participants. Occasionally, we increase the seminar to 14 students if there are enough stalls, horses and assistants. We will contact you first before increasing the number.

In order for the seminar to be confirmed, the minimum number of paid registrants needs to be met no later than 35 days prior to the scheduled seminar date. To qualify for a free spot, 7 paid registrants are needed.

An instructor will be assigned to teach the seminar at the point the minimum is met. If we do not meet the minimum 35 days prior to the course date, Masterson Equine Services reserves the right to postpone the seminar to another date, or cancel. If we decide to postpone, a four-month lead time will be re-implemented.

2. Joint Promotions

Masterson Equine Services agrees to advertise the event on our website and any websites we are linked to, on our Facebook and social media pages, in our newsletter, at expos, and at clinics occurring prior to this agreed-upon weekend seminar-workshop.

Masterson Equine Services agrees to create a Custom Host Guide – to support your local advertising efforts. With the help of this guide, and your own marketing efforts, you will meet the minimum number paid registrants, and be eligible for your hosting incentive! 

The Guide will be emailed after this agreement is signed and returned.

It will contain:

  • A customized flyer – for you to print and distribute at your local equestrian clubs, 4H clubs, tack stores, dressage clubs, local stables, etc.
  • A checklist – with ideas of how to spread the word of your seminar, which you can check off as you go.
  • A pre-written press release for you to give to local news media (lifestyle/sports sections), for your website, local or regional horse magazines or social media.
  • A social media “how to” easy instruction guide – to invite your friends; same for other social media and search engines.
  • High resolution image files of previous seminars in action for use on your website, social media, etc.

3. Support

Masterson Equine Services will answer questions and queries from prospective participants regarding the Masterson Method® in advance of the Seminar-Workshop.

Facility:Host agrees to provide and be responsible for items below and any expenses for the following:

  1. Stalls, or horses tethered in arena. Shall be easily accessible to participants and contiguous or all in one block or area.
  2. Demonstration Area. Shall be an area no smaller than 12' x 12' enclosed by two or three sides such as a wash stall, a large aisle or grooming stall, where participants can watch the techniques demonstrated, but where the horse is partially contained. A corner of an arena is fine, so long as it doesn’t interfere with riding or use of the ring.
  3. Lunch Area. This area shall be a comfortable area where participants can eat their lunches. This area could be a lounge or room where everyone can sit or the end of an aisle with seating arrangements separate from the working area. Students will be encouraged to bring their lunches and snacks with them.
  4. Water. Host agrees to provide water for all the seminar-workshop participants.
  5.  Horses. Depending on the number of enrollees, we will need a total of 13-14 horses to use throughout the weekend seminar-workshop. Approximately half will be used until Sunday at noon. During Sunday’s lunch break, the remaining horses will be rotated in for use Sunday afternoon. We are happy to help make that change.
  6. Condition of Facilities. Stalls, Demonstration Area, Meeting and Lunch Area, and Horses shall be presented to participants in a clean and orderly condition by 8:50 am at the beginning of each day. The host is responsible for the condition of facilities at the end of the Seminar-Workshop.
  7. Accomodations for Instructor and Transportation: MES request that the Host provide transportation and a guest room for the instructor. Please confirm on Page 4 that you are able to accommodate the instructor.

Insurance. MES instructor, assistants, and students will sign an MES liability release form before beginning the seminar. Instructor’s insurance only covers the instructor.

All students sign our waiver/release forms, and we encourage the barn owner to also supply their waivers for the students to sign upon arrival.

We ask all participants to also sign a Covid waiver which will be sent to each participant prior to the course to read and understand. The waiver will be signed at the event.

If you have questions about insurance, please discuss them with the office before the seminar is scheduled on our website.  

Please answer the following and return this with your signed agreement

  1. Accommodations for Instructor and transportation. MES requests that the Host provide transportation and a guest room for the instructor to keep the tuition affordable for students.
    Please indicate if you can provide accommodations and/or transportation:

  2. Hotel Recommendation:We need to recommend to students a hotel that is close to your seminar, clean, and moderately priced.

  1. Seminar Materials: Please provide a complete mailing address we can ship the seminar materials. This shipment will arrive approximately 7 days prior to your seminar.
  1. Airport: Which airport should students fly into?

  2. Barn’s Physical Address:
  1. Refrigerator or color:
    Do you have a refrigerator or cooler that students can store their lunches?

  2. After course has reached a minimum of 7 paid registrants, I will receive a free spot in the course, applicable toward the Masterson Method® Advanced Course prerequisite


Your Signature

Please sign below to indicate agreement and responsibility for the items outlined in this document. It is critical that you click the "Agree & Sign" button below AFTER you fill out this document and insert your signature; otherwise, we will not receive your submission. 

Many thanks from all of us here at the Masterson Method, and please call me with any questions/concerns!


Malia Aldrich
Masterson Equine Services
123 North Main, #5

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Document name: Weekend Seminar Host Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 1de7caaf31831d94a9537245607b908b9b19db71
Timestamp Audit
01/18/2022 4:20 PM CSTWeekend Seminar Host Agreement Uploaded by Jim Masterson - IP
01/20/2022 3:23 PM CSTMalia Aldrich - added by Jim Masterson - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
01/21/2022 10:49 AM CSTMalia Aldrich - added by Jim Masterson - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: